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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Christmas Day

Dylan playing Santa
Christmas Day in ChCh, apparently raining cats and dogs in Auckland, Buggar!.  Misty rain in ChCh but looking to come right mid morning.  Yesterday I went for a swim at GC Pool, first time I swam in a pool since September/October.  Very odd, not being in a wetsuit and not so keen on constant tumble turns, got a bit dizzy!.  Anyways lasted almost 60min before I gave up in swimming over top of the old man who insisted on doing breaststroke in my lane in the fast lane.

This morning, Liza and I went for a quick run round the neighbourhood, was on the cards for yesterday.  But when Liza and I went to look after the kids it didn't go as planned, they cried the house down until their Dad came home.  Thank goodness he wasn't far away!

After our run we all meet round at the Bro's family home to see the kids open the millions of pressies Santa has left, not to mention all the gifts from their adoring Aunties and Uncles :)

I Love Xmas xxxx
My first Xmas

We love bubbles, but Liza prefers hers in a glass :)

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Day One in ChCh

Bottle lake, awesome forrest track
On track with the training, yeah yeah only one day away so far, but whatever!!  This morning went for a run, was mean't to be 90min steady, but took me 202min to finish the green track then the blue track at my old hunting ground of Bottle Lake Forrest.

A good steady run today, I found out later that both Tina and Andrea had also run the track.  Thank goodness they didn't see me, no doubt they would have raced on by ...

This place brings back great memories!, many a time I have fallen over tree roots etc... as I have been dreaming about my now wife, Liza.  Also did my first Half Ironman training in these woods, used to bike for 90k and head to the Bros, and run from their home.  So often I would try to take a short cut and the first intended 60min run would turn into 2 hours as I tried to find my way home.  Should have stayed on the track!!

Bottle lake, sandy track
Super sandy today, recalled the first time I had taken Liza for a run here, so funny, moaning about the sand hills.  Of course (I said) as I pointed out that the forrest does run along the beach front.  Almost the same conversation my Bro had with his wife several years back :)

Here is the training plan over the next week ...

Friday, 21 December 2012

And the run training begins ....

City to the left and North Shore to the right
Had a fabulous ride on Thursday, awesome morning! Warm with blue skies what more could you ask for! Today was mean't to be my opportunity to 'pay it forward', just like Camp Mother did with me.  But I did a grap job!, sorry Kellie, I hope you continue to come along even if it gets you out riding on a regular basis.  And soon we hope to get Liza and a few others on board so we can get another group riding together then all meet at the cafe later to tell stories and talk rubbish :)

The happy to finish, bring on the coffee shot :)

Today (Friday) was scheduled for a sea swim only, but as per the previous blog the support committee had other ideas :).  I ran from home and meet them as planned we then did a big loop out and around Takapuna.  On the promise of a coffee at the end and the friendly encouragement I suprised myself and managed to run for a steady 2hours.  Actually it would have been 1hr 50min, if the crew hadnt taken me for a sight seeing tour of the North Shore hospital carpark! I could see the coffee shop, in fact only steps away before the ladies took a sharp right turn.  In protest I STOPPED, but fell for the old 'we wanna show you something', I can confirm the carpark is not that exciting!!

The posed running shot :)
Anyways happy to have finished and Im sure the coffee tasted better, we even managed to squeeze in some stretching, see evidence :)

See we did stretch!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

A reality check

Pretty in Pink
Awesome ride this morning, we joined the Kiwivelo folks for their annual christmas ride.  As Julie mentioned, "what you do for a free breaky, ah!".  Unbeknown to us there was a slower group leaving at 5.50am, unfortunately we joined the 6am group, full of very speedy folks.  Camp Mother (CM) and I managed to hold on for the first 10k but were then promptly dropped.  Likely would have been sooner if it hadnt been for the red lights providing an opportunity to catchup. :)

Amazing there would have been at least 50 in the bunch we were in, and it looked awesome as we took over the streets in Takapuna.  Check out the kit kindly loaned by CM.  Needed to look the part!, although a little snug for my liking, had to keep sucking in the tummy. HeHe 

Unfortunately the ride time allowed Jason (Mrs J) and Julie to consult on running plans for Friday, see the email I got this morning .... with friends like these how can I not finish Ironman, so much encouragement. :)

Right Chris you have a marathon in 2 ½ months so we have a bit of work to do.

Your biking and swimming is fine but your running/walking is sh*t and needs some work !

So this Friday will be a key day to get out and run and also Saturday bike run.

You don’t have to run 2hrs on Friday but you have to be on your feet for 2hrs walk/run. 

You can walk/run to smales farm and we can meet you there and go for a 1hr 15ish-30ish  run/walk to make up to 2hrs.

I know you have a programme and I don’t want to interfere with it but you didn’t do running drills on Monday, I bet you won’t run 60mins today so you have no choice but to run on Friday! if you have to run 3hrs by 7th Jan then you need to be running/walking 2hrs now.

So on that note we are happy to meet anytime on Friday morning.

Mrs Jason

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The Social Side

Although temped :) I am believe in some situations what happens on tour stays on tour or in this case a few Christmas drinks and a BBQ.  Hehe.  Actually I just forgot to get out my camera, maybe next time. I am loving the social side, great friends and wonderful support from the people I have meet in this wonderful year of 2012.

I only wish I had meet everyone sooner as we (Liza and I) would have loved everyone to join us at our wedding in April.  Perhaps one day we can get married and there will be an opportunity to relive such a wonderful day! Sorry for the memory recall, we watched our wedding DVD the other day :)

In the beginning of this week I sent an email with my training plan for the week, and everyone has responded with offers to join me.  How wonderful!! Camp Mother has even gone to the extreme of engaging a specialist cycling coach so she can on share the new knowledge with the Quay St guys.  Thanks for that :)

We head away on Saturday, and will certainly miss everyone, but hope to come back fitter and trimmer with all the running I will be doing in those two weeks.  After all there is only 70 days to go ...........

Here is a little something from our day ..
Our Wedding Day, April 20th 2012

Saturday, 15 December 2012

I see running in my future

Another weekend and another Saturday morning BRICK session. 7am at Takapuna Beach, blue skies and flat seas, how wonderful!.

In this mornings session, rather than splitting everyone into groups at the beginning we swam to bouy one and back, then groups were selected as you arrived on shore.  Mean't you were in the group of your ability rather then trying to guess.  Great!.

As we were practicing pack and draft swiming I was thinking of my niece Caitlin and her experience last month in a triathlon where she was smacked in the head and ended up at A&E having xrays.  Same expereince for me today but without the hospital visit. But as mentioned before give as good as you got, and certainly achieved :)

Mrs J joined me and Yvonne for the bike, we did a quick loop (60min) around Milford, Forrest Hill, Devonport and North Head (what a view!!).  During the ride Yvonne and I got the giggles as by some miracle we managed to avoid the flying bullets from above when a few birds flew by ..... very close indeed ...

I was contented not to run off the bike today, but seems my support crew had other ideas.  I did manage to negotiate it down to a 10-15 min run, although to be honest I felt pretty good.

I met with coach during the week, she has tweaked my Christmas/Holiday program to include more running ..... with a smile she did say I could enjoy my holiday and take a break if needed ....but then also mentioned I needed to be ready for 3hour run sessions from Jan 7th.  Now given this is only a few weeks away I guess it will be running 3 to 4 times per week.  Nice!

I have included some new photos of Taupo Half, enjoy :) 


Thursday, 13 December 2012


I can confirm recovery is much better if you keep moving! I'm feeling great after swimming in the lake on Sunday, another swim at Takapuna beach on Monday and normal group ride on Tuesday. Although admit I have yet to go for a run :)

Work continues to be crazy stupid but I can start to see the light. And after a catch up with coach this week I know I am on track with my training so not so concerned when work overtakes, such as in the last day or so. Apparently being able to move and get to the finish line with cramp in both the front and back of both legs was good mental training, although I'm not convinced it is a motivator for March 2nd!

The ride to Coromandel which Camp Mother has coordinated has taken on a life of its own. Apparently now a devoted blog on the NZ Cyclists site. And now not only a ride down from Auckland but an entire weekend of riding in the Coromandel. Awesome! Well done .CM

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Another Training Day ..Yeah Right!

Team Tigger (Liza, Jill and Mark)
Saturday December 8th, Taupo Half Ironman .. the plan ...just another training day ...whatever!!

Absolutely packing myself, not sure why, probably cos I know the run is going to be all bad.  As per usual when I get nervous I go quiet whilst I comtemplate what lies ahead. Despite pre warning the wifee, seems I need to give her more reassurance that Im ok, just focusing on the task ahead.  I fully expect come Ironman time I will be freaking out weeks ahead ... so take this as your official heads up :) 

Bike Racking
Registration was on the Friday, before 7pm, including racking of bikes in the transition area.  We made it in good time, but seems the bike specialist for TEAM TIGGER (our very own Ms Spinner) was running a tad late from Welly and by the skin of her teeth arrived at rego at 6.55pm.  Failure to rack her bike by 7pm would have resulted in the DNC for Team Tigger (Flipper Mark, Spinning Skinner and Jafa Liza).  But I think the premo was when Spinner was told transition would be open the following day from 5-6am.  It seems the astonished look on her face prompted the official to comment "I think you picked the wrong sport lovey".  Classic!!

Got up at 4.30am on the Saturday, wanted to do my usual routine of banana on toast and a coffee (so glad we brought the Nespresso machine with us!!) then toilet then get dressed, had already done the pre gear check the night before. Seems I wasnt the only one in the house with a few nerves .... but I will not reveal any secrets :)

Mrs J, Me and Coach awaiting race start
As planned we arrived at transition dead on 5.30am, gave me time to pump up the tyres, lay out the mat plus gear needed for the bike and run, then slipped into the wetsuit.  Liza escorted her team mates and me into transition, but as she was not doing her run until later in the day, she had chucked on jeans and a casual top so didn't look to be competing so not surprising (I think) that she was told on more than one occasion that only altheletes could be in transition.  Although I think she felt slightly insulted as she pulled up her selve to reveal the yellow athlete bracelet.

Swim ready, Mrs J, Julie, Mark and Me
Race briefing broke the news that the lake temperture was barely above 14 degrees, nice!.  Photos, hugs and some final instructions from coach and off I went.  Yup the water was $^%**!! COLD alright.  But no worse than off Takapuna beach and at least it was fresh water.

I think a few people were caught by surpirse on how choppy the water was, especially when you turned the end marker heading to the other orange bouy.  I noticed divers on the bottom keeping an eye out for anyone who might have got the bash going round the bouys and ended up in trouble (mpre common that you might think, just ask Ms Caitlin!).  I was sweet as have done this many times. Happy to finish the last straight and head back into shore.  Finally some swell from behind helping to push us in.

Out of the water in 41mins, then wouldn't you know it a bloody long run round the hill and up the stairs to get to transition.  Lot's of cheers of support I heard Spinner and Liza, who let me know by some miracle I had managed to beat Mark out of the water (forget that I had a 10min head start). As Im trying to peel off the wetsuit, Camp Mother offered some supportive words, something along the lines, "what are you doing, hurry up, you don't have time for a cup of tea!".  Nice :) and with a smile I finshed getting dressed, put on the helmet and ran to the mount line.

As I reached the line, I remembered the carnage seen at then ITU age groupers world champs.  So stopped and took my time, no need to try and rush then look like a total spase when you fall off!!.  The ride was a single lap to Reporoa and back, I think someone must have a sense of humour as approx 20k, there is a sign saying "Welcome to Reporoa".  I had not been checking the distance at the time, so had thought I was going faster than I thought!, but NO! still another25k to go before the turnaround.  Funny the things you notice ah.  Determined to take advantage of the bottle drops I had prepacked my oldest bottles so when we hit refreshments they got the biff and I grabbed a couple of new bottles, sweet!.

The tester on the bike was
a) how was I going to go on the new aero bars,
b) how sore was the bum going to be with round taupo ride only a few weeks ago and the new ride position

c) how hard could I push it without blowing up!

A swifty bike transition
I clearly need to do more training on the aero bars, but they were very comfortable.  Not sure when I will be able to next sit on a bike seat, lets just say it still hurts to pee!  For a while I was able to go steady at 35-45k, so had a comfortable 30k average, loving that!.  But then around the 70k we got a steady incline on top of the already head wind and the speed dropped off dramatically, buggar!. Managed to pick it up a little in the final stages, but was looking forward to beating the 3 hours.  Talking with other on the course after the race, seems everyone hit a low spot at that same point, combination of head wind, incline and already done 70k.

Really let myself down with the nutrition on the bike.  For the first time I felt it really hard to eat and drink, and I think the lack of drink was a contributor to the ongoing cramps in the run.  I thought I had this area sorted but just confirms you need to be prepared and disciplined on what is needed during the bike to keep you going.  Some more research is certainly on the cards !!

Managed a run to the finish line.
As expected the run was hard work, thank goodness Julie was feeling keen, without her running the majority of the course with me there is no doubt I would have walked a heap more .... In the end I had cramps in the front and back of both legs.  You would try to stretch one side and the other would cramp up.  As I had predicted I had managed to bet everyone in the swim and bike, then one by one everyone passed me on the run!  First Mrs J, but at least I did hold on for 45mins, then Liza slipped by around the 15k mark.  Unknown to me at the time, she had been running like the wind trying to catch me, she had seen me at the turn arounds and had her little spies out telling her how far ahead I was....I know!

I managed to sneak across the line in a disappointing 7 hours and 16 mins.  I was hoping to either bet my previous half ironman time or at least sneak home before the 7hrs.  But it was how I expected, and lets not forget the track was a lot harder!.  Swim and bike good, and I see a lot of run training in my immediate future ....

Thanks a million to all those that came out to support me, and there was a heap of you!  And no longer can friends give me a hard time for going to bed early, I now know your secret!! Could you believe when we got back to the house I was the only person left standing, everyone else buggared off for a Nana nap! and I have it on good authority that the same happened at the other house where Camp Mother was left to enjoy a few beers on her own.

Enjoyed a pleasant swim on Sunday morning, lake as smooth as glass, can you believe it! and already booked in my massage for Sunday night.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Bike Fit Ready :)

Check out the Aero Bars
Now that Round Taupo is done and the Taupo Half Ironman is only fours days away, I thought I better get my butt into gear and have a 'bike fit' to move from the standard road ride position to the aero bars.

This will be the second time I have ever had a bike fit, one when I first brought my new bike and now.  Previously I have been using my sister inlaws bike and my brother had simply adjusted the seat etc... until it looked about right. How far I have come ....

For those not in the know, a bike fit is a bit like running on the treadmill at the shoe shop, everyone gets to watch, as you get yourself into a bit of a state (all sticky and sweaty)and at the end the shoes, or in this case the bike should fit.

Now I wasn't about to part money for just any Joe to do the fit, after all I could always give my brother a call.  So I rang the local bike shop, frequented by Camp Mother.  Spoke with some guy called Tim, my final comment being, "so what makes you so qualified to charge me an arm and a leg?".  Well, I would soon regret asking such a lame question.  Perhaps you should google him, Tim Gudsell, like I did. I stopped reading after 15 hits stating double Olympian, former Pro Tour Racer ... anyway you get the picture.  Dick of the Day award for me!

He was lovely and I would recommend him to anyone.  We ditched the $500 carbon aero bars the wifee had brought at some online deal for a cheap $150 pair, you will likely see these on Trade Me in the next few days. :) With broad shoulders I needed bars that had some lift and could span wider at the elbows.  With a bit of a tweek here and there I think we got it sorted, he even added a pad to the insole of my shoes to help spread the nerves when I applied pressure.  We are hoping this will deal to the pins and needles and numb feet.

Bring on the ride in Taupo ....

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Looking for Inspiration

Rupes at Rainbow Reach (50k done).
Looking as fresh as roses!
Try TeAnau December 1st, overcast, 6am, 450 crazies about to take on the Kepler Challenge, a 60k tramp most will complete over 2/3days.

My friend Rupe and 449 others will be running it in a day.

Fastest completed in less than 5 hours, longest 12 hours, that's because of the cut off, could have been longer.  Rupes did a fabulous 10hours 23.

Way to go Rupes, for sure this wont be a challenge I plan to attempt :), unless of course you wanna give a Half Ironman a crack ??
Yay!! The finish.  Well Done :)

One week out ...

Only one week until I attempt the second half ironman I have ever done.  This time round it will not be so emotional as everyone knows your first time is special.  Taupo Half Ironman will be a mere training run in preparation for March, that's the story I'm telling anyway :)

My training for this event has been very different to last time, I'm obviously no where as run fit as I was last time, and for sure this is going to hurt on Saturday. I'm hoping my calf will hang in there for 21k since I have not been able to run on it for more than 30min over the last 3 weeks.  The interesting disciplines will be the swim and bike.  Previously all swimming was pool based with only the odd open water swim, this time round I spend more time in the ocean and in my wetsuit.  As for biking, I used to ride flat solo 40 to 60k rides, now I bunch ride, do hills and have comfortably completed the 160k round taupo.

So  here is my strategy, steady swim get into my rhythm.  Try for a quick transition onto the bike (yeah right!) then another good and steady 90k, I'm hoping at this stage that I will still be able to hold off Mrs J and and team Tigger. Then fully expect within the first 10min of the run I will be overtaken and will have a long hard run to the finish line.  All the time thinking double the distance next time .... Crazy!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

New ride kit

Julie, Me and Camp Mother
Check out my new gear! including arm warmers and a round taupo vest jacket.  Sweet !!

Riding again this morning, but unable to find a park so missed the group at 6am.  Never mind I hooked on the back of a few different groups as I made my way round our normal route.  I knew worst case I would catch up with the Quay St guys back at the cafe, which I did.  

Even managed to get myself up and over them hills so the legs are feeling good :)

How great are my mates, organizing my long rides directly with the coach,

Hey Coach

Just thinking about our long training rides leading up to IM (for Chris)
Can you please give me a rough idea when Chris will want to be doing her longest ride. (Which we thought will be to the Coromandel - 180-200km)

I want to get a possey together and thought I'd give them a couple of dates to put aside, plus will need to get them all training for it.

Thanks muchly

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Recovery Ride

Back on the bike today, feeling really good other than the tender bits that touch base with the seat. That was until we hit the first little incline, then the legs remembered the weekends activities.  No majors but certainly felt a little weary. 

Coach delivered the new training plan on Sunday, now the build up begins and the focus is to maintain the bike fitness but step up the running.  Unfortunately missed run group last night due to work, but will try for a 30min easy run sometime today. Tomorrow is a 60min steady run, with a swim at some point, Thursday is another ride and run off the bike and Friday an ocean swim with more running over the weekend.

Another busy week as we head to the auction tonight of what we hope will be our new home.  Movies on Wed and off to Queenstown on Fri to support our mate doing Kepler.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The Taupo Cycle Challenge

Big race weekend, 160k (actually only 152k) round Lake Taupo with 8,000 + other cycle enthusiasts !!

Pre race hydration drinks, Fri Night
We (Camp Mother, Copper and myself) travelled down to Taupo Friday afternoon.  Crusied into town around 4ish, collected our registration packs and checked out the expo for super specials. Then we headed to the closest bar on a corner to watch the Criterium racing.

Then to the hotel for check in (after almost taking out the bikes secured to the roof on the hotels entrance way pelmet) and a pre race bike check, under the guidance of camp mother (CM).  As always fully prepared with the tool box, bike stands and various cleaners and lubricants.  Seems my chain cleaning skills need a little bit of work :(.  We all hit the sack earlish around 9pm like a bunch of nana's.

Pre race bike checks
Early morning rise (actually at 7am it was a bit of a sleep in, everyone was wide awake anyway!).  Shower, dress, eat food, drink coffee, strip to go to the loo, redress, another loo, redress again, yes at least one more loo stop and another redress. Arm warmers ? Leg warmers? Food? Goodness such descisions !  Finally talked into NO jacket, arm warmers or leg warmers.  I hope it's gonna be warm out there! And agreed on jam sammies, ginger nuts, and a couple of power bars, gels only as a back up!

Jumped on the bikes and rode to the startline ....

Made it to the startline
Geared up and ready to go!

Still more decisions to make, which group to start with.  All a bit of a strategy, since we know we will get dropped going up hill hence we need to make sure there are still fast bunches behind us which we can latch onto for the downhills and flats.  We did start out as a bunch of four, but soon dropped one, then dropped another as they went back to find the other person.  CM and I continued riding ....

Lake view
70k rest area, toilets and water
Previous hill rides had me well prepared, but I was conscious that I tend to go out to hard at the start ... so decided to follow the experienced one and stuck near by CM. We stopped at the 70k rest spot for water top ups, the loo and waited for the rest of our crew .. but soon gave up waiting after 13-15mins had passed. Later on we found that one had DNF due to puncture and broken valve stem and the other had dropped back further than we had thought.

Stopped again to catch a photo of the lake, the picture dosent really give the view justice! 

Camp Mother (right) and myself
We hooked into a small group (of our pace) and managed to stick with them for the 2nd half.  Then around 10k from the finish CM pointed out that we could actually do a reasonable time, so I yelled "lets gun it" and off we sprinted.  With still 5k to go I was feeling a little spent but wanted to lead CM to a good time so turned and yelled something inspirational (Im sure) and kept up the pace, as we turned the corner for the final 300m to the line CM came racing up next to me .... Then "my white line fever kicked in", it was head down and spin those legs !!!! I passed her, then she passed me, I could hear the ground cheering us on :) With a mere half bike length I managed to creep in front and hold it over the line to victory...... words cannot explain ....

At the Finish Line
Our ride time (excluding the wait midway) was 5 hours 57 mins. So we have agreed, this counts for a sub 6 hour time, regardless of what the official time states.

Average speed 25.5k, max speed 77.7k (fastest to date). Total elevation 1690m, max elevation 602m. Tempature ranged from 14 to 29 degrees.  Glad I didn't take those arm and leg warmers, I would have had to carry the dam things.

Finished the day with a few beers and BBQ with mates and of course a few stories of near misses, and triumph :)  Legs and body feel good, had trouble with the feet major pins and needles, then numb then shooting pain when trying to apply pressure.  Need to get this sorted!! Next morning a swim in the lake with Mrs J and a nice drive home in the new car ...

The Evidence

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

101 Days and Counting

Goodness, 101 days remaining until the NZ Ironman 2013.

Today Im hoping to have a discussion with my supervisors on a leave request which effectively has me working part-time from late December until March. I will need the extra time for long rides and runs !!.  Over the recent months workload has been significant and as a result I have missed many training sessions, including yesterday where we finished work in the early hours and hence missed run group last night and was to tired for riding this morning.  Unfortunately this discussion has been postponed five times previously.  :(

With only 101 days to go there is still a great deal of training that needs to be done.  This weekend it all kicks off with the Round Taupo Cycle Challenge, quickly followed by the Taupo Half Ironman 2 weeks later ....

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Calm and Patience Prevail

Yes that would be a picture of the new car, with roof racks attached!

All I will say is Liza is out for dinner so I took the opportunity, and it seems calm and patience is all that was required :)

Brick with a Difference

Ocean Swim Briefing
Saturday morning brick, unfortunately not one of those picture perfect mornings! Overcast, raining and a bit of an offshore wind. I had comtemplated skipping training, and was suprised to see so many other Tri club members front up.  One hell of a swell out there today! Luckily we regrouped at every bouy, which gave me the opportunity to keep up with the front (ish) group.  But there were certainly times when the swell prevented me from seeing any other swimmers out there, and the up and down movement was bringing on some serious motion sickness !!! I was glad to exit the water before I hurled .....

From left, Mrs J, Camp Mother, and myself
Still not able to get the dam roof racks on the new car, so drove to Takapuna beach for the swim then headed home for the bike.  Mrs J and Camp Mother joined me for a 90min wind trainer session.  Special support from Liza! Sounds, coffee and muffins ! You can be our support person any time :)  We even went for a run off the bike, the girls carried on down to check out the house Liza and I have been looking at, whilst I managed to run 2 mins before pulling to a walk.  That dam calf muscle giving me grief.  I think I just need to persist on the stretching and book another appointment with the masseur !!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Wearing glad wrap

And no it is not a party joke or kinky night in, went to the clubs masseur on Thursday and almost leaped from the table as she poked her fingers into my calf.  Seems a knot had appeared likely due to lack of stretching, buggar!.  Was instructed to wrap the leg covered in anti-flame in glad wrap, of course I was a bit suspicious, but turns out she was serious !.  Anyway apparently best excuse yet to miss running with the girls on Friday morning.  Let's see how it goes for tomorrows brick session ah.....

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Rewarding ones self

I have been bit slack on updatig the blog over the last few days, simply because a) I have missed a few training sessions and b) the root cause of missing sessions, dam work!!!!  On Monday I worked until 12:30am then woke and at 5am to start work again.  Liza is in the same boat so we are both feeling a little worn out.  What better way to reward yourself and remind you why you choose to work long hours! Let's go shopping, and for those who know us, we won't be satisfied with a new dress from the mall, you will find us at the BMW showroom. 

So yes (sorry P), we have purchased a new 2012 series 1 beemer, similar to that pictured below.  I like to think of it as mine, as Liza got hers earlier in the year.  So now when I get down about working long hours I simply look at the car, smile and get back to it!  Yes we already had a 1 series, but it was blue and I needed one to match my black road bike hehe

Despite a couple of days off, I did get back on board with training today.  Liza and I went for an easy run this morning (as per my program).  First run for Liza since her marathon, I think today confirmed for her that she wont be entering another marathon anytime soon :)  I followed up todays session with a swim at Takapuna Beach this evening.  Since it is blowing a gail you would have thought we would have been better off surfing than swimming, but seems it was sheltered from the wind, an awesome swim with a bit of biff.  A smack round the head, but thats ok cos I gave my fair share :) Love it!!

Was just preparing for tomorrows ride in the morning, but wouln't you know it the roof rack size between a 1 series 2007 and a 1 series 2012 is out by millimetres in both width and length.  After an hour of frustration and before we scratched the new car we have given up.  Brah!!!!  Looks like I will be riding from home.

And its got heated seats! awesome after an ocean swim :)

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Being a Jafa - Day 3

Takapuna Beach, Sunrise
Another beautiful weekend in paradise. Mum and Dad are in town, arrived Friday night. Mum is coming with us to the Coldplay concert!.

Saturday morning, sneaked away for the normal Brick session.  Take a look at the view, sunrise over a flat sea off Takapuna Beach.  Awesome! Approx 60 club members out this morning, practicing dolphin diving, running in and out of the water and drafting.  Its dam hard running in and out, much harder than just swimming.  We had a increasing number of spectators, we must have been a sight for those taking a stroll along the beach.

BRICK Transition
A quickish transition onto the bike, a couple of us headed out up East Coast Rd, up Albany Hill, along Lonely Track then back down East Coast.  Approx 90min ride.  Today I was determined to go for run off the bike, so headed out running towards Milford.  Luckily ended up running with someone, otherwise I would have stopped long before I did.  Anyway the plan was to complete all 3 disciplines but not be out all day, after all we do have guests.

Coldplay Concert
Coldplay concert, although forced to go due to the wedding vow promise "at least one rock concert per year".  I really enjoyed it. Well done Liza.

As we didn't get home until 1am, getting up early for a ride just didn't happen.  Buggar!.  But I did go for a run!!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

I may be a Jafa

What a wonderful morning, blue skies, sun, no wind! Another Thursday bike with the Quay St riders.  Our course takes us along the waterfront and over a few hills.  But as you can see the view is awesome.  In the photo you can see the beach and in the distance Rangitoto.  OK it might not be the best photo, but they are there!!!.  I gotta say Im loving this Auckland life :)

In todays ride both I and camp mother (pictured in pink and white at the back) lead the group all the way round the nipple (he he) whilst they all drafted behind us, then as soon as we hit the hill, the buggars all took off and left us for dead.  Talk about feeling used! :)  The picture was taken at a complusory stop, which allows us naturally built for down hills to catchup.

Quay St Riders in St Heilers by the Beach, Rangitoto in the background

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Feeling Good

I LOVE my Nespresso :)
Perhaps I have had to much coffee? Im feeling good, especially after the 130k ride on Sunday, 60min of running drills last night.  11.20pm to bed last night and then a 4.45am wake up for the 5.30 ride this morning with the Quay St guys.  And I still felt good during the ride ! And then just to top it off I have maintanined the same weight for the last week so can confirm I have dropped 5kg in the last 2/3 weeks, sweet!

So just gotta make it thru a full days work and swimming tonight, run tomorrow, bike and swim on Thursday and then a day off! Yay.

Feel like another coffee now .....

Monday, 5 November 2012

Hill repeats, Nice!

Determined to attend running group tonight, I pushed back when folks wanted to continue a meeting after it was scheduled to finish.  Was this a good move??

Tonights session was down at Milford Reserve, seems we were not the only ones with a similar idea, us and our 100 other closest mates.  First time I have been here, so decided to drive as nothing worse than getting lost when your running.  Quietly drove past coach who I saw striding along the road, grateful I was in a different car (a loaner from the car yard) so she wouldn't spy me. So felt super bad when she mentioned she was hoping Big G would pass by to give her a lift.  Buggar I could have stopped.  Oops!

Oh well, seems she got her revenge.  Started out with the normal warm up run and drills.  Entertaining for the neighbours, I expect.  Then a heap of hill repeats, started with three or four, but everytime we ran past, it would increase by another couple. In the end it was more five or six.  Finished with a final wee run and some core and stretching.

I was happy to head home :) Some work then bed ready for tomorrows 5.30am ride ...

Sunday, 4 November 2012

In need of a Nana Nap

The famous Helensville toilet stop

Sitting on the couch enjoying a coffee from my Nespresso and cheese on crackers, well deserved I think given I just got home from a 130k+ ride with the NZ Cyclists.  Took 5.5 hours, with hills and head winds.

Learn't a big lesson today about going out to hard, and then crawling home buggared! I haven't 'bonked' which is great, means I took on board enough fluids and food.  But I definately feel tired.  In fact I reckon this is how Liza would have felt after her marathon. 

Always start and stop at a cafe :)
Camp mother was on fire today! she was still keeping up with the group in the final 10-20k, I was out back just trying to hang on. Well done you. I have been told since I managed this I will manage Round Taupo Cycle Challenge, although it is another 30k on top.  Makes you think about Ironman, for about 30sec I contemplated going for a run off the bike but then thought better of it.  In Ironman I need to bike 180k, then run off the bike for a full marathon.  According to the counter, it is getting close to 100 days until the big day.  I know the plan is to pick up the long distance training in the 3 months prior, but gosh I got a long way to go!

Todays route and stats