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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

101 Days and Counting

Goodness, 101 days remaining until the NZ Ironman 2013.

Today Im hoping to have a discussion with my supervisors on a leave request which effectively has me working part-time from late December until March. I will need the extra time for long rides and runs !!.  Over the recent months workload has been significant and as a result I have missed many training sessions, including yesterday where we finished work in the early hours and hence missed run group last night and was to tired for riding this morning.  Unfortunately this discussion has been postponed five times previously.  :(

With only 101 days to go there is still a great deal of training that needs to be done.  This weekend it all kicks off with the Round Taupo Cycle Challenge, quickly followed by the Taupo Half Ironman 2 weeks later ....

1 comment:

  1. will keep the fingers crossed that the discussion happens and had the desired outcome as well. Wow - 101 days - that is spoooky!!! Keep your chin up though - look how far you have come already. You are already looking fitter and stronger and it will only build from here. You are doing so will - its awesome and there are plenty more challenges ahead :)
