Thursday, 31 May 2012
Work takes over … AGAIN !
Monday, 28 May 2012
Monday easy....back to it Tuesday
Monday was a easy recovery day from the weekend efforts. Was to be a
50min run drill session however had to head into the office and we went
out last night, so the opportunity never arose. Both Liza and I were a
bit stiff so I booked us a massage, then out for dinner.
Back into it this morning with a good 90min swim, we have moved on from drills and started doing more distance work. Thank goodness given how chilly it was this morning Im not sure we would have coped with a slower session. Remember we swim in an outdoor pool !!! I think we did about 3.5 – 4k this morning.
PS: Im loving the garmin, Liza loaded the data into, amazing it shows your ride on a map, elevation and lots of other interesting data and graphs etc…. somehow I need to convince my love that a compatiable HR monitor would be cool, then in 3 months or so… may need to add a power meter
Too bad my birthday is next year, buggar!
Back into it this morning with a good 90min swim, we have moved on from drills and started doing more distance work. Thank goodness given how chilly it was this morning Im not sure we would have coped with a slower session. Remember we swim in an outdoor pool !!! I think we did about 3.5 – 4k this morning.
PS: Im loving the garmin, Liza loaded the data into, amazing it shows your ride on a map, elevation and lots of other interesting data and graphs etc…. somehow I need to convince my love that a compatiable HR monitor would be cool, then in 3 months or so… may need to add a power meter
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Garmin test
Our sunday ride was an easy (ish) 30+k round herald island and whenuapai, good job too! as the old legs were a bit wearly from yesterdays run. Very proud of Liza as she braved up and came riding with us
I love riding in the group!
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Ahh Saturday again
1) front quadrant swimming, this is where you need your arms strateched out front to balance your legs so… a good stroke has the arms (at least one) out front the majority of the stroke, like catchup, but almost catchup. I noticed I had periods of no arms in the front and hence started to sink which caused a bobbing motion.
2) catching the water means high albows through the stroke and an early grab, previously I was dropping the elbow under water which meant I was swiping the water rather than getting a good pull.
For the run, I headed off road in central North Shore (still amazes me!), yes indeed there is a network of tracks where you can go off road in dense bush metres from peoples homes. The first 10min was a killer, for the next 20min I so.. wanted to stop, then 40min plus I was good and actually managed to knock up a 1hr 54min run. Going off road means you pay more attention to where you take a step, rather than clock watching.
Now feeling tired, and in desperate need of some good stretching!!.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Swimming in the rain
Went for my run last night, was mean’t to be 80min hill run, but only lasted three times up and down Harper Street before the legs started to cease, hence thought best to head home for some stretching. Have another Chiropractor appointment this evening which should help with the tightness in the hip/leg.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
An addictive bug
Congratulations to the members of “TEAM TIGGER”, you know who you are!, I’m very proud to learn you have signed up for the Taupo Half Ironman in December. Im even more impressed that you all were keen to take on an ironman distance. Too bad the NZ Ironman does not do teams, but seems you are all considering the Wanaka Challenge. NICE WORK.
For the record, I merely mentioned the opportunity. All team members made their own decision to take part !.
Fix me up
All part of the build up, not only the physical training but need to make sure the body can keep up
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Back into mid week
Tonight is wind trainer night, attendance is in the plan so just need to stick to it and not let work take over. At least I don’t have to go into the office so makes the logistics much easier.
Monday, 21 May 2012
B12 Deficient
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Thanks goodness I won!

In two weeks we (I) have another race but this time the plan is for the mid course 10-15k. So better get some running under my belt.
Good thing also is that we meet up with a couple of ladies from the tri club, so I chased one and Liza ended up chasing the other with lots of high 5′s and a good laugh at the end. They tell me they have convinced Liza to join them for group rides on a Sunday, which is awesome because they are the same level as Liza and will encourage each other! Then we can all meet at the end for a coffee and wild story telling.
Anyway a good weekend of activity, now just need to work it into the week!!!
Saturday, 19 May 2012
One brick and Im back
Friday, 18 May 2012
A downer week :(
Here are my excuses …. winter is here! It has been raining so hard that it has pushed out the hot water from the outdoor pool, it has got so cold you had to wear a wetsuit, I know! This may have been one of the reasons why I didn’t managed to drag myself out of bed on Tuesday and Thursday for a swim. Then running in the pooring rain was not so appealing either
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Cold sore city and feeling tired
And it seems I not only gained a wife but another mothering figure, now I get advice from all sides. So I guess I will head to the doc and just make sure the old iron level is looking ok etc…
FYI here is a current weekly training plan
Mon – 45min run/drills
Tue – 60min swim, 90min spin
Wed – 80min hill run
Thu – 60min swim, 60min run/drills
Fri – Day Off
Sat – Brick 60min of each swim, bike, run
Sun – 120-180min bike
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Sunday morning rides
The great thing is that there are a few folks in the tri club looking to do K2, so we are planning a monthly training ride in the waitaere ranges, I hear they are full of hills! And if I can drag my butt over these I should be in better shape for K2.
Would you believe it, my stupid bike computer turned itself off during the ride, and just when I was reaching the extreme end with the dame thing, wouldn’t you know it
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Brick a Brick
Fins, Pull Bouy and Paddles
Wind Trainer
Towel (another one!)
Tights, t-shirt etc….
Oh and the bike
Running shoes
More clothes ….
Plus food and fluids
See wasnt kidding ah! todays session was the standard 60min pool swim, 60min spin cycle and 40min run/drills. The good thing is with 2 sessions we at least get a sleep in until 7am, which is way better than the standard 5am wake up call.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Dark, raining and cold!
Well I almost didn’t! until my beautiful wife simply asked, “are you sure, you will be disappointed”. Dame it she was right so I rolled out of bed and got dressed in the dark. I think the getting out of bed is the hardest, once Im there it is all good. The session was good, lot’s of swim drills in freestyle of course. I feel an improvement when going slow but try to speed up and I lose all technique. Everything the coach says is logical so I just got to keep on practicing.
Meet with coach yesterday to plan out the next 3 months. She is great in that she doesnt lecture when you miss a session but focuses on the next stages, she gets that sometimes the work/life balance is not always there.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Wedded and ready to go!
This morning was day one back into the training after a lazy 3 week break!. Although I was to continue with the running I must admit I only managed to lace up the shoes a few times, one of which was on the morning of the wedding. I thought dad was going to bike with me, given his concern that I had decided to go for a run on such an important day. He is a caring dad
Today's session was the official start to the winter brick sessions, consisting of a 60min swim at the Birkenhead outdoor pool (a warm 27 degrees), followed by a 60 min bike wind trainer set then a 40 to 60min run set. The Tri Club holds 2 sessions, 7am and 8am, to my surprise there were at least 40 -50 folks at each. I took advantage and opted for the extra 60 min in bed. What I have to do the please the wife. Hehe.
Thank goodness today's session was a relatively easy set, although I do feel buggared and suspect it may be an early night or at least a ‘nod off’ at P and Bry's, I wonder if they will notice?
I'm on the left and my Mrs on the right |
Wedding day with 120 of our nearest and dearest |
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