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Saturday, 24 March 2012

What's a brick?

I think I’m going to like Friday’s!!! A day of rest before hitting the harder sessions in the weekend when generally you will do a longer run or bike on the Sunday and a Brick session on the Saturday. What’s a brick session I hear you say, well consider 3 bricks laid end to end, the first represents a swim, followed by a bike and then a run. It is about the transition from one disapline to another. Today is Saturday and I just completed my first mini brick, 40 min ride followed by a 15 run. Sounds easy! but I’m embarrassed to say but I feel buggared!.

Liza has been such a wonderful support person, so last night I tried to reward her with a candle light dinner, flowers and a surprise gift!. Oh and a wrote a peom on the fly….. didn’t say it was a good peom but cost less than a card :) . Judging by her response I reckon I scored a few browney points back, still in debt however, oh well.


  1. liza_chris
    March 24, 2012 10:37 pm

    Well I too love Friday’s especialy after the one from this week. A wonderful evening full of surprises, romance and if it is possible, I feel in love with my girl even more. My poem was fabulous and so special…as was all other aspects of the evening…:) I was truly spoilt. So now are looking to the week ahead and my mission is to try and plan for it a little – as I suspect this will help ease the pressue on Chris, so she doesn’t need top think about anything uneccessarily. So meal plans for a start! And I hope to join her every week on Tuesday spin and at least the Sunday run. She is doing me proud – after 1 week, she is still amped by the whole experience and I can see her eyes light up at the challenge. You go girl – xxxxx

  2. Paula
    March 28, 2012 8:08 am

    Awwww! Romance!!! And a poem!!!
