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Saturday, 31 March 2012

But its dark!

I always thought swimming in the ocean when its dark! was a party trick only attempted after large comsumptions of alcoholic beverages …. but it seems I was mistaken. It is something 30+ crazy tri club members do every Saturday morning at Takapuna beach. Im told this was a small group, normally there are at least 70 crazies.

2nd brick session, following a night out. Tis not good for the organizing need in me. I had to release Liza’s bed grip at 5.30am just so I could get the wetsuit, the bike, shoes and all the other gear into the car, and would you believe it ! I forgot the plastic bag, so putting on the wetsuit was a real challenge. For those not in the know, slip a plastic bag over your foot and you can slide into the skin tight suit.

Training started at 7am, as we all slipped into the ocean IN THE DARK! we were told “swim to bouy two”. Well blow me if you could see two feet in front of your face yet alone some little tiny bouy 1k out. So as any wise person would do I slipped to the back of the group and merely followed the other bobbing black shapes, hoping they were tri club colleagues and not any other type of mammal.

After 50min of ocean swimming, it was time to do a super woman change into the bike gear. This morning I did a nice 45min ride with Christine. Very enjoyable!, then once back another super woman change into the running gear and a run down Takapuna beach. In all just over a two hour session. Nice!

1 comment:

  1. liza_chris
    March 31, 2012 2:10 am

    Ah yes these early mornin saturdays may be a challenge for me as I am reluctant to let you go Chris. But then when I see how happy and buzzing you are when you get home I realise that I need to push you out in future to make sure you go!
    Sounds like an interesting way to swim, next week it will need to start a bit later given the clocks go back this weekend.
    Great work honey, week 2 and you are keener than ever!!!!xxx I look forward to our bike ride together tomorrow. :)
