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Sunday, 25 March 2012

The gentle push and a long sleep

Welcome to the end of week one …. and start of week two! Yesterday’s activity was a 50min run focusing on relaxed shoulders and technique. Im sure it will be the first of many ‘gentle pushes’ Liza will need to engage to help me get my tired legs into my running gear and out the door. Yesterday was a particluarly good effort on her part as she also strapped on the shoes and followed me around the streets, such events always spark a little competition, so although we were both buggared we were able to complete the task at hand.

Last night we went for dinner as Miss Caitlins birthday, but managed to be back home and in bed by 9.45pm. We didnt move the entire night waking to an alarm at 5.45am. Certainly one of the longest sleeps I have had for a while. And so begins week two ….. today brings a 1 hour running technique session with the coach.


  1. liza_chris
    March 26, 2012 9:24 am

    Sometimes its really hard to motivate yourself, so a little push never goes amiss! You did great – running and jogging with a good relaxed set of shoulders. It was good to run somewhere different too – keeps it interesting and it turns out there are some serious bmx jumos behind the cricket fields – who knew!!
    You have had a great start to the week – completing the running skills session today.
    Keep smiling honey – youre doing awesome xxx

  2. Paula
    March 28, 2012 8:06 am

    You two are so cute! But half the battle in training is having a supportive partner behind you, so good for you both xxx
