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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Lead weights

Lead weights! thats how my arms and shoulders feel. I barely have enough energy to eat my breakfast and sip my morning coffee. Just survived a 90min swim session with super coach Sue. This would be the hardest swim session yet and I loved it!!!! I know that once the food and coffee kick in I will start to feel good again and ready for the workshops ahead.
I had a few more observations this morning, cos when your swimming 5 x 200s your mind tends to wonder. You would have heard me mention previously that you can tell this is a tri club squad vs a swim squad, and today merely added to that theory. I noticed all the men wear the tri shorts to swim, not the speedos, also known as ‘dick tights’. In addition we had a set with a couple lengths of butterfly after many a puzzled look most gave it a go for a couple of metres before reverting to the good old freestyle. Everyone is super friendly and Im happy to find a squad were you feel welcome. Sweet!

Liza proved her dedication to the cause last night, joining me for a 50min run. We split part way taking different routes, we were to meet up back at home – so I decided to check out some more off road tracks around Kauri point, unfortunately for Liza this was different to the route she thought I would take. So when she decided to duck via the local school and meet me it didnt quite work out as she had expected, suprised she didnt get in trouble for loitering around a primary school. OOPS!. But I did find some more cool tracks :)


  1. Liza
    March 29, 2012 4:24 am

    for the record – I did not loiter at the primary school! I looked like an idiot by doing dips, lunges and step ups whilst I waited for the running guru to turn up. Eventually I gave up waiting and ran home at a great rate of knots because I had the key and had no idea where Chris was :) I think all this exercise starts to mess with your mind after a while… Good to hear the swim coach was drilling you guys harder. You will be a real muppet arms after that effort!!! Well done for your efforts and I look forward to tonights running drills…xxx

  2. Paula
    March 30, 2012 8:49 am

    You were so loitering Liza!! Good going Chris, you’re making me tired just reading this! Xxx
