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Friday, 8 June 2012

Not Feeling Very Athletic

I think its been three plus weeks since I did a full week session as per the training program, missed a swim or missed a wind trainer. Im not feeling very athletic (perhaps because Im not in pain), although I know I do more training than most. Today is Friday, my planned day off! although yesterday turned out to be a day off also.

How do I get back on track? Or is, winter and work just going to be the challenges I need to overcome if Iam ever to make it to the start line of the NZ Ironman. Goodness, taking the time to reread the above I sound pathetic, if someone said that to me I say, “harden up, of course its not easy, if that was the case everyone would do it, dum ass!”

OK time to harden up! thanks for the motivation :)

1 comment:

  1. Liza
    June 11, 2012 9:55 am

