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Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Wednesday is normally a run with the girls however today they are travelling or recoverying from a party last night, so an opportunity for me to hit the pavement on my own, take in some of Liza's sounds on the ipod and reflect. 

So Im dreaming about the Ironman 2013 finish shoot and I start to get emotional! (clearly made the right decision to enter) was thinking about Liza's marathon running day buddy and how he had completed the Auckland Ironman, which shows how long ago that was.  But it was interesting to hear how he walked down the finish shoot so he could take in the atmosphere etc... now I had always thought I would try to run the final few metres but then on relfection unless the clock is counting down the final few mins, then why not walk after all you have been out on the course for 16hours (my prediction), why rush the final few metres, why not enjoy the glory?? mmm.....

Buggar a hill... a change of thought ..... so last night Liza and I where thinking we would go for a quite walk along Takapuna beach, yeah right!  Forgot the State Swim series was on, we must have bumped into at least 10 folks whom we had met over the last 6 months through training.  What a difference from my ChCh days when I was training for the Lakehood Half Ironman, 99% of training I did on my own with the guidance of my bro.  Now days it is rare for me to do any session by myself.  How much my life has changed, I have never been so happy! :)

For record purposes this is what my current training program looks like:

M - 60min Running Group (drills etc)
T - 120min ride with Quay St, 60min swim in pool
W - 60 to 90min runnning, 60min Ocean swim at Takapuna
T - 120min ride with Quay St, 60min swim in pool
F - Day Off
S - Brick, with 60min Ocean Swim, 90min Ride, 60min Run off the Bike
S - 4 to 5hours long ride

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

And the Dick of the Day is awarded to...

Yes you got it! There is no doubt I am the winner today. So 5am alarm, got dressed in the dark, picked up the bits and bobs (helmet, lights, garmin etc..) then diligently put the bike onto the car.  5.50am nice and early to meet the Quay st. ride group in town. As I'm putting the bike together I realised I left the bike shoes at home. Dum ass!!!!!! So I hung about to say hi, with embarrassment admitted my error, all had a laugh then confessed that at some time they had done the same thing previously.  Cricky imagine if I did that on race day ?

Monday, 29 October 2012

Liza's Day in the Sun!

The Artists, Caitlin (left) and Amelia
What a wonderful day (Sunday 28th Oct), light breeze, sun shinning, a great day for a 42k run ... after all the support Liza has given me and will give me, today was her day! The Auckland Marathon.

The alarm starts screaming at a crazy 4am, time for Liza to stuff down some breaky and begin preparations for her day ahead.  Apply the vaseline, blister plasters .... oh and bring me a coffee in bed as I try to steal another 20mins of sleep.  Drop Liza down at the birkenhead ferry at 4.50am, for her cruise to the start line at Devonport.

The Banner, "Go Aunty Liza!"
I raced off to put up the banner (which the girls made yesterday) somewhere on the last leg on the course.  Surely being so early, this would be easy ??? but NO race organizers already have the course layed out and roads closed off.  The short story, I had to drive long and far to get to the back of Mission Bay, then leave the car and go for a jog in the dark to find a suitable spot.

By the time I got back home, I had to through the bike on the back of the car and other essentials (like a first aid kit!, water and dinasour lollies) and head back down to the course.  Ditched the car down bottom on Onewa, and started to bike the route looking for my girl.  She was crusing down Lake Road at a good steady pace!  I met her again on Quay St, see photo, she was in a good space, nice and steady run.  I was able to ride on the cycle path all the way down to St Heliers and back, hence was able to provide text updates to her adoring fans :).  Around the 27k so hooked up with another racer and they managed to help get each other around the course, sweet!
At 24k and still running

A bit of a hard grind especially when she hit the normal 30k wall and had to revert to a bit of a walk, but as I say as long as you keep moving forward it is all good.  I skipped away for the final few ks to wait at the finish line, but seems she got a burst of speed as the announcer called her name as she crossed the line, I had to ditch the bike and run!.

A mere 6hours and 9mins :) and as some say you have a goal to bet next year hehe.  But for now, enjoy in the victory and finishers medal.  Well done my love xx

Yay the finisher medal!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Brick with Iron Maori

Another Saturday, and the perfect morning for a dip in the ocean and a few hours on a bike.  A leisurely 7am kick off, so down at Takapuna beach by 6.30 to allow enough time to stuff yourself within your wetsuit and register, if your extra keen some warm stretches with Brent Foster.  Although must admit moving and stretching within a snug rubber suit is not so easy or I expect glamorous to watch.
Anton showing off, throwing in a few push ups

Today's swim session was better executed this morning as everyone was split into four different groups to match your swimming ability, meaning each group had a coach and you focused on learning skills specific for you.  I was a Baraacuda, rather than a Dolphin, perhaps this describes my swimming ability ? aggressive ??  Today we learn't about drafting and swimming on the hips of others, I can tell you it works and swimming is easier.  But if the person your drafting is not used to swimming in a straight line you can end up all over the place.  Today I think we spent more time swimming over top of each other.

The ride was good, meet up with the Iron Maori team, only a few more weeks before their Half Ironman in Napier so everyone was up for a 80k ride after their swim and perhaps a run off the bike.  We all got our butts round the course, only a few breaks :) to be had.  Back at the car at 1.30pm, so after a 7am kick off I needed to make tracks home as we had the girls coming over.  So buggar, no opportunity for a quick run.

Thanks all!!

Taking a break at Silverdale

Thursday, 25 October 2012

The reward

The perfect poached egg :)
Another great day for a ride with the Quay St Gang, the hardcore (me and one other) kicked off with a 5.30am start and we met up with a few others at 6am. Another awesome ride and an opportunity to grill some of the experienced guys about the Taupo Cycle Challenge, it seems we may have a dedicated group who want to ride the entire 160k together and utilize each others energy and skills to drag us all around the course.  Suites me as I have no idea what Im in for !  But I am told I need to get out there for a lot more long rides, thanks for the advice camp mother!.

Liza went for a run and met us at the cafe later.  mmm perfectly poached eggs on toast and a long black, the reward for the 4.50am alarm. :) and Mrs J loves to score the extra slice of 5 grain bread, your welcome.

Liza (in red) and the Quay St Gang

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Blame it on the flashy car

So true story I swear!  Yesterday I was dressed in my togs bout to run out the door for swim squad, when Liza pulled up in her car.  Planning to save time she climbed out and I jumped in.  Got to the pool, when I stopped, the dam car died. 

Realized that Liza's flash car has a keyless option, meaning you don't need the key in the ignition but you do need it near by ..... Yup you go it! Still in Liza's handbag at home.  Couldn't lock the car, start the car ... a big fat nothing !!!!!  By the time I had put out the emergency call for Liza to bring the keys, the swim session only had 20 mins left, so I flagged it.

Good intentions....ruined by a flashy car!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Do you like my new Coffee Table Centre Piece?

I promise to polish it everyday, whilst in my care :)

Who's a little competitive?

After a great weekend with family in town, today was back on the bike and back into the training routine.  Rather than the normal 5.30am start we kicked off at a leisurely 6am :).  The weather has been dreadful and I suspect this is why only four of us showed.  But was a great wee group, and today I really enjoyed the bursts of competiveness to the top of each hill and then along the back straights on the way home.  Always a giggle when you think you got someone beat then they peg you at the last minute dam it!!

Learned about 'stomping' today, it refers to when you stomp on the pedals to get that burst of speed when racing out of corners or latching onto a passing bunch.  Had to put it into practice a few times to keep up with those cheeky buggars trying to sneak ahead when everyone is slowing for the corner.

Interesting story (for me anyway), my brother who happens to do a bit of riding himself was having a laugh at some of my previous posts, one inparticular related to the wearing of fluro.  It seems he was fully aware of the unwritten rule, regular riders do not wear fluro, however it seems he forgot to mention this in any previous discussions we have had on riding.  His comment was, "it was appropriate that I wore fluro as it showed my novice status".  Cheeky sod, I thought family was mean't to give you the heads up, inside word, that type of thing .....

Over this past week I have been quietly debating (internally) whether or not I could pull off a double whammy with regards to events.  Since opting out of K2 and listening to people talk about the Taupo Cycle Challenge (160k), it is something that I would be quite keen to knock off the list.  Unfortunately the timing is not ideal, only 2 weeks before the Taupo Half Ironman, will 2 weeks be enough recovery time?????

Yesterday I had a word with coach and in her calming words, "I am happy for you to to do Taupo cycle just means we won't taper for taupo half and that's cool as we want you peaking at March and doing two big events back to back means you can then have a good couple of weeks EASY.....I always say you must do what you enjoy doing and if your loving the cycling then go for it :)"

So just sorting a couple of logistics, but looks like Im in ! ..... it will either do two things 
1) remind me how far 180k is and hence scare me into more training, as I struggle to do 160k, or 
2) remind me that somewhere deep inside I do have the mental toughness and Im on track for March 2nd.

Personally Im picking it is more likely to be point 1.

Here is the Taupo Cycle race ....

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Look who I met on the Street

World Series Podium, Andrea in 3rd
Yes it has been a few days since my last post, and yes that means the training has been a little lite and work has been overwhelming.  In short I have a project needing fulltime attention and on top I am now supporting a speedy QA, UA and Field Test, all within the next 7 weeks. A sweet combination for a perfect storm, therefore need to put focus on it now, hence early morning finishes and early morning wake ups.

However, what a awesome distraction to have family up to stay this long weekend. And it happens to be the ITU World Series Race in Auckland. :). Managed to sneak away yesterday for an unexpected ride with a buddy, we only had 1.5 hours approx, so we headed towards Albany and did some hill repeats up Albany hill.  Gee, never thought I would say that given 6 weeks ago I had been too scared to even contemplate riding up this hill. Just reminds you how far you have come.  Shhh but managed to beat my previous downhill record, 63.3kph, don't tell Liza..... :)

Me, Andrea and Liza
Yesterday we all (including family) went to watch the Elite Womans Race of the ITU Grand Final, and wouldn't you know it ! We bumped into Andrea Hewitt on the street, see photo.  She had just been crowned no. 3 in the world, see the other podium picture.  Nice work !!!

This morning was mean't to be another ride, but decided to hang this morning with the kids and watch Ben 10, Scooby Doo and other exciting programs :) whilst the rest of the family slept.  Thanks to my regular early morning starts I was wide awake by 6am, so it was kinda cool to have the kids to hang with ...... I promise to go for a run later.... promise.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

A promised sleep in

Last night we went to dinner with mates, we were the old couple who trundled off home at 9pm, they thought it was because we are newly married and wanted some quite time, but I can assure you it was straight to sleep when we got home.  How exciting we are !

Sunday morning and I have the day off from training, so promised Liza a sleep in.  Unfortunately the consistently early mornings mean't I was wide awake at 6am.  So I fetched a coffee, sat up in bed and read the property press.  When I read that I got the laptop ... not sure it was the sleep in Liza was expecting, waking up to the sound of me taping on the keyboard, Buggar! Sorry :)

I have noticed over the last 2-3 weeks my legs have been getting tighter, especially up around the gults (bum).  Must be all the bike riding ?? but when I then run my legs from my butt to the back of my knee start to cease, then my hips are painfull and I struggle to strid out and I get a wee wobble on.  So buggar that, hence today off to the massage lady we went (both Liza and myself). 

As always I love to give Liza a bit of jib as her calves are normally so tight that when lightly touched she almost leaps off the table.  And no change today however she got some paypack when it came to my turn on the table.  The masseuse confirmed the gluts (butt) was very tight and proceeded to dig deep and stretch it out (or whatever it is they do??) I can tell you I was almost hitting the ceiling.  Lucky me, as part of the training plan this will now become a regular treat, yeah right!  More a monthly/fortnightly torture....

Race Day Simulation

Lunching with the squad
Wind Trainer Session  :(
Half Ironman Training Camp this weekend, well sort of, the weather has turned to beep beep beep meaning we will swim in the pool rather than the ocean and wind train instead of road riding, and we know how much I hate winder trainer !!!.  Plus we are not actually going anywhere, just hanging in Auckland, so really just like a normal Saturday brick... with an afternoon catchup and chit chat with mates.

Kick off at 8.15am, but need to arrive early to setup the bike etc... into the water for a few lengths warmup, then all on for a 2k swim, that is 60 lengths of the pool.  The consensus in the changing room is everyone lost count around lap 10, so I waited until the fastest guy in our lane finished, then added a few more lengths as figured he must have lapped me a few times.  Anyway jumped out at around 38mins which was ok for a steady swim.

Now dam it onto the blinkin bike, and the best news of all, the 2 hour clock doesnt start until everyone is out of the water so anything between now and then is extra.  I did contemplate hanging out in the changing shed, but that might have been a bit obvious.  I did volunteer my music today, wary that some may not find Neil Diamond inspirational ??, it was infact Liza's ipod which I stole. I guess most liked it as there were a few singalongs and a request for a copy.  mmmm perhaps she does have some good music taste ??

2hour 15mins and 75k later, it was off with the bike and on with the shoes, for a run down to Birkenhead wharf and back.  The downhill is nice on the way out, even with the wobbly legs, but the uphill on return sucked.  At one point I was run two lamp posts, walk one.

Yum Yum
After a mere 3hour and 50min session, it was rush home for a shower and back to someones home for lunch, see the spread and that was after we had eaten, thats what you get when you hang with Iron Maori guys, sweet !!!  Coach talked on nutrition and race day preparartions.  Now I was temped to bring along some beer, but as the talk was on what we should and shouln't put into our bodies I didn't think it would be proper.  Actually I just didn't want to get any ribbing from everyone :).  My beauitiful wife wipped up some muffins as my contribution, I think I eat everyones food but mine, oops.  But the muffins were great, lots of kisses xxx


Thursday, 11 October 2012

A Wonderful Morning

Yesterday (Wednesday) I had a wee sleep in as both Liza and I worked late last night, as a result we missed our run with the Crew.  But sounds like that was a good option as they slugged out 80min on hills with tried legs. But plans were to meet down at Takapuna Beach at 5.15pm for a swim and maybe do the Run/Swim Series, Race 1.

Come 5pm Im slipping into my togs whilst on a work telecon.  Thank goodness we don't have video conference !!.  By the time I got to the beach approx. 5.20pm, I had assumed they would be in the water already, so I lugged my stuff and headed to the water edge.  Waving out to a group of bobbing heads in the distance a small wave washed over my feet #$%@!! COLD and then it started to rain .... after 10min of frantic waving and NO acknowledgement I thought blow this and headed back to the car.

As folks were arriving for the Swim/Run Series I tried to sneak away only to be sprung by a training colleague, dam it!.  Oh what a shame I forgot to bring my running shoes :) !!  Anyways at ride group this morning it was revealed that neither of them went swimming and I was the only buggar to show ....

What a wonderful morning, no rain and only a breeze.  Another 5.30am start with the Quay St guys, folks are trying add more distance to the ride so today we took an extra detour, see map below.  If you are ever thinking of buying a house, which we are, then I recommend riding in the local neighbourhood, there are some areas which have noticeable cold spots. 

PS Nice to see Liza at breakfast at the cafe this morning, after her run!

Some refer to the little loop at the point as the nipple :)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Comradeship in Sport

Never really experienced before now, but today I got to feel the comradeship that sport can generate, a sense of extended family that gives you the right to enjoy the company of folks whom you have never meet simply because of a common interest in cycling and a mutural friend.

Quay St riders welcomed my mates friend in our ride this morning, unfortunately it didn't work out as planned and I can promise it has never happend before, but we did infact lose her on a downhill. Buggar! Some mild panic and searching by the boys but still no luck so we opted to skip the last hill, praying she was able to find her way back.  Did I mention she is not from Auckland.

Thank goodness, she was already ordering her fruit smoothy when we pulled into the cafe!!! And we breath again ...... so sorry ..... and please comeback to join us again !

A couple of pics from Liza's 40th, a quiet affair ....
Liza and myself, I am Wilma Flinstone can you tell?

The Training Support Crew

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Back in the C

Takapuna Beach
Saturday morning 7am, 60 + people gathered on the beach edge listening to the race simulation instructions, with only a few weeks until the ITU World Champ Race in Auckland many of the club members are in final preparation for the big day.  Normally we would still enjoy the warm water of the swim pool, but race simulation means experiencing the chills of the ocean. And goodness it was #$%@! COLD!. 

Thank the bee gees the wetsuit still fits!, a swim suit is more snug that your average suit, showing
 my every mountain and valley as I try to graciously slide into it with the help of a plastic bag.  I notice some slick up with the olive oil to aid a quick escape in transition.  The water seepage thru the zip is always something to look forward to when creeping into the icy chill.

Todays swim was a 1500m down and back across Takapuna Beach, taking at least 20min to recover ones breath, only when your extremities i.e. hands, feet and face came down to water temperature did it seem to warm slighty.  The return leg was motion sickness stuff, white caps off the top of the waves, so bad there was a scattering of swimmers who had opted to get out and wander back along the sand.

Plan was to swim, bike for an hour then meet up with Liza for the run and help her to knock off a few more Ks.  However whilst trying to peel off the wetsuit (perhaps I need to look into this olive oil trick), the heavens opened and the wind swirled.  I looked across at my mate and we both opted to skip the bike leg and head out for a run.  Don't worry! no opportunity to slack off as we had already agreed to meet Liza at the beach we ended up going for two runs, approx 10k.

A bit of a slow start to the week but the support team went running on Friday (usually my day off), just so we could laze around on Sunday. Recovery from Liza's 40th on Saturday night.  Happy Birthday Beautiful ! :) So in all not a bad week.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Triathletes vs Cyclists

Previoulsy I have made comment on my observations between triathletes and swimmers, now it would seem there is also a comparison to be had between triathletes and cyclists, so I am told.  A practical example may relate to our Tuesday/Thursday rides.  This Tuesday was a shocker, raining, windy and dark, a 5.30am kick off and the only shows for our ride were triathletes and one lone cyclist.  On Thursday the morning was better, however still wet and cold and again prodominatly trialthletes in attendance.

Now one might pitch an argument that cyclists ride faster hence bad weather will impact them more or one might say triathletes are straight out crazy! And when you think of swimming, biking then going for a run then perhaps that last point holds weight.  Triathletes are crazy !!.

But crazy is all good, today I put out the call to my new crazy mates.  Wanting to know who is up for a few runs to help Liza meet her own personal goal of running a marathon, and wouldn't you know it everyone is in!.  Nice work all and many thanks from both Liza and myself.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Spinning out of Control

Spinning out of control, is how I feel ... desparately trying to get my environment (home, work and personal) back into an orderly LIST!.  I have been so busy lately I hardly know what to tackle first, unfortunately it impacts on my training plans. Last night I was to go swimming but missed the opportunity with meetings over running then again today I was going to sneak away until lunch time and go for a long ride with a mate.....

I have written a list and today I plan to make a start at ticking each one off and hopefully at least feel like I am achieving something....if I can get work back in control it will allow time for personal.

I did meet with coach yesterday .... we revisited the proposed objective of doing K2, it was mainly about going the distance..with this in mind I have decided not to do K2 this year but tackle it, as its own event next year.  Support buddies have committed to going the distance at another time, plus I have the opportunity to pick up long rides with them as they train for Round Taupo. 

Also means I can now help to support Liza as she heads into the final prep for her chosen challenge, the Auckland Marathon.  My opportunity to take on a support role.

Monday, 1 October 2012

To do K2 or not?

The Bach
Our big weekend away in the Coromandal, the misson: to ride the largest of the K2 hills (Kopu) and confirm whether the thought of riding K2 is possible.  The operatives:  include Liza (of course) and two mates from the support team, Carron (aka Camp Mother) and Christine (aka Jason).  Camp Mother has co-ordinated the perfect kiwi bach and provided a minimum of 3 bike routes for Saturday.  We travelled down on Friday night with plans to awake Saturday morning fresh and ready to ride.  Unfortunately the weather was not favourable with low cloud and misty/medium rain.  A quick look around the room Im sure we were all ready to bail, it was lucky we had made such an effort to be there, it just had to be done.
Carron and Christine at the Top

Time taken to eat a good breaky and check over the bikes, finally we headed away around 9ish.  Riding from Wangamata heading towards Kopu.  The first set of undulations to the turn off was fun, some mild hills for warm up and a nice we down hill.  Whilst we contemplated the Kopu hill, parked on the elbow of the road. Actually we were trying to convince one of us (not me) that the down hill would not be too bad despite the slippery conditions.  Perhaps it was not a great time for a milk tanker to go screaming by, especially since it took all the road (no room for a bike and rider) and highlighting the wet roads with its water spray.
Carron (red) and myself at the Top

We all headed for the Kopu hill, from memory only a 10k slog to the top.  Approx 500 metres from the top (actually I thought we had reached the top) hence why I likely lost concentration and had a wee mishap which saw me fall off the bike into the path of Camp Mother who had no choice but to land on me and the bike.  Lucky for us we were heading up hill so NOT a high speed crash but we did manage to score a couple of war wounds.  Unfortunately for us Mrs Jason kept riding to enjoy the glory of the top all to herself! How selfish :).  Anyways we dusted oursleves off and continued our ride to the top, where Mrs Jason came from behind and stole our glory once again!!.

Momento from the ride
Opting not to head down the other side of the hill we headed back the way we had come and decided to call in reinforcements (Liza) to meet us in Tairua for a spot of lunch, oh and a car which could take us home for a few beers and a competitive game of UNO.

We did knock off a tidy 70k and some of us even went for a run off the bike (ok I might have been kicking and screaming!) :) we followed up the weekend with a little 30k on Sunday with a ride out to Onemana and back.

Many thanks to Camp Mother, Mrs Jason and my wife, Liza for a great weekend and all your inspiration. Now whether to take on K2? Lets see what happens once I talk with coach tomorrow ....