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Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Prequel

Like every good triology i.e. Star Wars and Star Trek, mid flow some smart ass decides to add in a "prequel" which shows the background to the main story.  This is my "prequel", I am motivated to share this story as it reveals what drives me and I feel it is important for those who are supporting my journey.

Myself, in a different life
Once upon a time in another life, I was a different person caught in the vicious cycle of yoyo diets, eventually just giving them up all together.  In my peak I got to 154 kilo and finally I had enough of feeling uncomfortable and terribly unhappy.  I decided to make a life changing decision, one that I don't regret but certainly one that I hope people won't judge me on and previously (and perhaps still) one I don't like to share or talk about.  With medical intervention I was able to control the amount of food I can consume, it is amazing how little food your body actually needs.  And with diet alone i.e no or limited exercise, you can lose a significant amount of weight.  In 12 months of food portion control I lost an amazing 70+ kilos, almost 50% of my previous weight.

The decision I made is one that I can never reverse, but it has helped me to maintain a steady weight since.  Funny thing is I am stoked to be a steady ~ 80 kilo, but it makes me sad as when I was previously at this weight I was doing one of those well advertised weight programs and at the time I was made to feel crap because I was still considered too big as I was 20 kilo above my ideal weight!.  Well what a load of ..... unfortunately that did not enspire me to continue and hence I gave up.

You know when something big is happening in your life it seems that relevant stuff appears everywhere, well for me it is around the time that mini triathlon and duathlon series were popping up.  I started off with a few Real Woman and Contact Tri's, I then began to set a goal of one event per month for 12 months.  I loved the atmosphere and the focus of these events to just get people moving.  Perfect for me !!! 

Hamner Fun Run
Real Womans

Thats me on the podium, 3rd spot
Finish line - 1st half marathon
Now Im no 'rockstar' and I will never be the fastest, although I did get a podium finish in a contact duathlon, lucky they didn't reveal how many folks were in the race :) hehe.  My goal is to pick events where the challenge is finishing, and with that I made a goal to run my first half marathon.  Which I did, and I cried like a baby when I finally crossed the line.  A cold and wet Christchurch day, the real motivator to keep running was my brother - he came out to support me and would pop up along the course unexpectly to cheer me on.  I was worried he was going to catch me walking!

Ticked that one off so decided on a half ironman, November 2010 at Lake Hood.  Convinced by brother to be my coach and hence I became a 'sponsored' athlete - cantab style.  Sister in law lent me her old road bike, shoes and other bits and bobs.  At the time the thought of swimming 2k was fine, but then a 90k ride (yeah right!) then a 21k run (what the??) almost seemed impossible and how was I going to do this within the 7 hours time restriction.  But I am stubborn and the more some folks told me I couldn't do it, the more I was going to... in fact I got tired of hearing NO so I simply cut those people out of my life and made friends with people who said I could. What a difference ..... hence to say I crossed the line in a sweet 6hrs and 45 mins.

After crossing the blue mat I believed if I want it I can achieve anything !  For the last few years I have been distracted with love, and marriage to my beautiful.  But always in the back of my mind the next challenge, a full IRONMAN.

You know losing such a lot of weight doesn't come without its side effects, thank goodness for granny support underwear !! And although I have investigated in having the excess skin removed (awaiting that lotto win) I think it is appropriate to take this body to the Ironman and finish a journey which I started in a different life.

And the journey begins...


  1. Fantastic blog entry honey, and it as been awesome to share part of the journey. If ever anyone is feeling a bit unmotivated, this blog will help people gain the strength to achieve their goals. Keep up the awesome work and fingers crossed that the weather holds for your mad buggers going for a 110km ride in the morning!!! Love you heaps and heaps xxx

  2. Chris, I think what you've achieved so far is phenomenal and your story is an inspiration to everyone. (Thanks for having the guts to share it). I only wish I had your tenanicity to do an Ironman. I am so proud to train alongside you and call you a friend. I will be there to support you every step of the way. Go hard !
