Sunday's big event was a 19.9k off road run at Woodhill Forest, Xterra Series.
I decided to take my new Garmin today, normally used on the bike, but decided to slip it in my pocket to track the run. Im not sure if it helped, especially when it ticked past 19.9k and the finish line was nowhere in signt, in fact we where heading in the opposite direction, dam it!
The first several k's headed up a steap and sandy road, nice! Then lots of undulating track, down hill then up a vertical hill and lots more undulations, along forest roads and single file tracks, a good mix. Whenever I run up a hill now, I think of Liza and the comments she would be throwing out and it makes me smile and keeps me going :)
Absolutely buggared afterwards, took me 3hrs, 14mins approx to do the 21.2k's, which I didn't think was too bad given the course. A real tester at 2 points, firstly around 16k when I hit a wall, felt completely buggared, legs started to cramp, and I wished I had some gels or something to push me on. The second was once the Garmin hit 19.9k and the track just kept going and coach mentioned it was good training for the Ironman, especially mentally, working out what you needed to do to keep pushing yourslef even though all you want to do is walk or even lie down for a nap.
Anyhow another challenge ticked off, this week is all about recovery and then come Saturday it is back on!, Sunday kicks off hill work on the bike in prep for the next challenge, K2.
PS many special thanks to the wife for arranging a massage last night!. Top job :)
Awesome effort and I think we have all had that feeling of wanting to stop but knowing we have to push on. Good to see that woodhill was no where near as muddy and grubby as the Riverhead run - we can still see the colour of your shoe is blue this time :) Congrats hiney and any excuse for a massage is a good excuse in my book! Remember to keep stretching today!!